A/V Ministry
Carrying the Gospel of Christ into the world through technology and media.
Carrying the Gospel of Christ into the world through technology and media.
Acolytes are part of a very old tradition that dates back into the Third Century. Acolytes have served at the altar of God since the year 250 A.D.
The Altar Guild is a ministry of “quiet service”. It may be behind the scenes, but it is a critical act of service to the church.
The choir leads music during our 10:30am Sunday service as well as performs concerts and other special services.
A sacred ministry to those who are not able to come to receive Holy Communion at a worship service. In doing so, they form special and sacred bonds with those they visit.
Greeters and Ushers welcome and embrace everyone as they come to worship with us and help people find their way through our services. They also help provide information about St. M&M's and its ministries.
Open to men and women, adults and youth. Members of this ministry read scripture in worship and some are trained and licensed to conduct certain public worship services,
A verger is a member of a church who works under the direction of their rector, vicar, or priest-in-charge to assist with the organization and operation of worship services.