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Make your 2025 Pledge Online Through REALM
The Importance of Your Support
First, thank you to everyone who has generously supported the work of St. Mary Magdalene & St. Martin Episcopal Church. Without a doubt, our church continues to be able to offer spirit-filled worship, fellowship, prayers, grants to other non-profits, and numerous outreach ministries because of the faithful sharing of the time, talent, and treasure of parishioners and friends like you.
This year’s annual giving theme, Courageous Discipleship, focuses on the powerful relationship between being a follower of Jesus Christ, a disciple, and being a good steward. Bishop Mariann Budde, the Bishop of Washington D.C. writes, “The goal of discipleship is to become more like Jesus – loving as he loves, forgiving as he forgives, being merciful as he is merciful – and to join him in caring for others and healing our world.” Living and abiding with God is a daily process of surrender in order to walk with God. Being a disciple includes being grateful and generously sharing all that we have been given. Being a good steward means using your outward resources to benefit your community and church. As disciples, we are encouraged to approach financial decisions from the perspective that we are humble stewards of God’s possessions, not the outright owner. We are called to dedicate a portion of our financial resources to building and sustaining the kingdom of God.
During the coming year at Sts. MM&M, we seek to deepen our ability to build and sustain the kingdom of God as we be a community that impacts and transforms the lives of our members and those in our community. We also will be continuing our efforts to improve and expand the capacity of our campus so that we can offer more opportunities for spiritual growth. Your continued financial support will be crucial in our ability to accomplish these goals. We know that it is not enough to simply believe, but that we must act on that faith to serve our neighbors. You already do this all the time, in so many ways.
John 3:16 tells us that “God so loved the world that He gave …” This declaration isn’t simply an evangelical promotional slogan or an effective witnessing tool. It’s a revelation of the heart of God and a summation of the meaning of the Christian life. If there’s one thing the New Testament teaches us, it’s that God is love and that those of us who claim to believe in God ought to love one another as God has loved us (1 John 4:8, 11). And the message of John 3:16 is that love gives.