Education for Ministry

because questions help us grow in faith
 "And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord."

This is what we pray at the end of every Eucharist. Education for Ministry (EFM) helps prepare you for the ministry that we are all called to do through our baptism.

The Education for Ministry program is not like any other bible study.  An in-depth study of scripture is an integral part of the program, but it is not the only part. Education for Ministry is a four-year certificate program for the laity under the direction of The School of Theology at Sewannee, The University of the South. EFM is a powerful combination of scripture, worship, theology and theological reflection which helps students develop the skills they need to better discern their call to ministry. More information can be found on the program HERE.

How Does EfM Work?

EFM is a program of lay theological education that includes both individual and group work in seminars under the guidance of a trained mentor. It is not “Bible study” . . . although the Bible is a key part of the program. EFM enables baptized Christians to relate their faith to their lives and ministries around the world.

The heart of the program is a method of theological reflection that “breaks open” scripture by using a four-source model of Action, Tradition, Culture, and Position. The class also features lessons in the Old Testament, the New Testament, church history, theology, and ethics. It is a class that equips people for the ministry of the church and requires a commitment to the work and to Christ’s ministry.

  • EfM groups typically consist of 6-12 people with one or two mentors.
  • Groups normally meet once a week for 36 weeks, spread over an academic year of about nine months.
  • Meetings involve worship, discussion of the texts assigned for that week, and either a common lesson or theological reflection.
  • EfM is offered in four one-year segments. You only sign up for one year at a time!

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Education for Ministry Mentors