Scape: Easter Season

Every Sunday, from 09/18/2022 to 05/21/2023, 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM

Scape: Easter Season

Room: Sanctuary


SCAPE is a unique worship experience rooted in the ancient Christian tradition, designed to help people explore the landscapes of their souls and deepen their connection with the divine. The experience draws on the rich history of contemplative prayer and the musical tradition of the Christian faith, inviting participants to become aware of the holiness within them and surrounding them.

The SCAPE experience is carefully designed to engage all the senses, creating a deeply immersive environment that enhances the spiritual journey. Ambient sounds and hymns, the scent of incense, beautiful iconography, and the touch of soft fabrics all work together to create a sensory experience that encourages introspection and reflection.

The lighting is also carefully designed to enhance the mood and atmosphere of the space, providing a peaceful and tranquil environment that is conducive to deepening the connection with the divine. SCAPE is a powerful and transformative experience that helps people explore the landscape of their souls and connect with the Divine in new and meaningful ways.

Participants are invited to engage with the Via Sacra or Sacred Way, moving around the space and visiting different prayer stations, each of which offers a unique opportunity for reflection and introspection. At each station, people can continue to engage their senses as they explore different aspects of their spirituality. SCAPE creates a deeply immersive environment that guides participants into spiritual growth.

As a worship experience that is grounded in the ancient Christian tradition, SCAPE is a testament to the enduring relevance and vitality of the Christian faith in our contemporary world. The Episcopal Church of St. Mary Magdalene and St. Martin is a welcoming and inclusive community committed to spiritual exploration and growth, and SCAPE is just one of the many ways in which the church helps people connect with their spirituality and each other.

Whether you are new to the Christian faith, just beginning to explore, or a long-time believer, SCAPE offers a unique opportunity to deepen your connection with the Divine.


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