Fall Choir Retreat

Saturday, September 02, 2023, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Fall Choir Retreat

Location: The Episcopal Church of St. Mary Magdalene and St. Martin, 1400 Riverside Drive, P. O. Box 77145, Coral Springs, FL US 33071

Room: Sanctuary

Dear Music Enthusiasts,

Are you ready to elevate your passion for music and be a part of something truly harmonious? Look no further, because we invite you to join our vibrant church choir and embark on a musical journey like no other!

Introducing our highly anticipated Fall Choir Retreat – a symphonic celebration of camaraderie, melody, and the joy of song. This extraordinary event promises not only the chance to fine-tune our voices for the upcoming Fall and Christmas performances, but also to forge deep connections with fellow choir members in an atmosphere brimming with laughter, games, and delectable snacks.

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