A weekend that can change your life
What is Cursillo?
Cursillo is a ministry of the church. Its purpose is to help those in the church understand their individual callings to be Christian Leaders. Leadership, in Cursillo, does not mean power over others, but an influence on others; all of us need to be aware that we can exert a positive influence on those around us. Leadership is present in work situations, in the family and social life, in leisure activities, and within the Church environment.
The Three-Day Weekend:
During the three-day weekend a diverse group of Episcopalians share a rich variety of worship styles to broaden the appreciation for our Church. Lay people conduct the weekend. Two or three members of the clergy function as spiritual advisors.
Cursillo presumes that those who attend are already well-grounded in the faith. This is not intended to be a conversion experience but an enriching and deepening of faith that already exists. Cursillo often provides new insights into our faith while fostering ministry among laypeople.
The weekend begins Thursday evening in the Chapel. The three days are filled with talks and group discussions. Emphasis is on the doctrine of Grace, the Sacraments, and the great Cursillo tripod: Piety, Study, and Action.
There is fellowship, singing, good food, and time for privacy, meditation, prayer, and walks. Eucharist is celebrated each day. The weekend is held at the Duncan Center in Delray Beach.
The process to attend a weekend:
Each Pilgrim is asked by a Sponsor if there is interest in attending a weekend. An application form is filled out by the Pilgrim and Sponsor, approved by the Rector, and sent to the Registrar. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. There is a fee to attend the weekend which covers the cost of housing and food. Scholarships are available to those who need help.
Fourth Day:
The Cursillo weekend is not an end to itself. It is a starting point that lasts the rest of your life and a springboard to a long-range practice of the Baptismal Covenant in the life of the Church called the Fourth Day.
- The Group Reunion the heart of Cursillo, is a small group of friends (usually 3-5) who meet weekly, and who hold each other accountable for their spiritual journey. They report on their piety, their study, and their apostolic action. A bonding develops that institutes a strong support group for life.
- Ultreyas (an ancient Spanish word meaning onward) are held as often as possible, is a "reunion of the reunions". It provides support and builds community by allowing the sharing of communal experiences.
Spiritual Direction is an important element of the Cursillo Movement. It is a commitment to seek out skilled laypersons or clerics for spiritual direction to provide help in deepening their union with Christ.