The Anamchara priory at St. M&Ms is an inclusive community, welcoming all people: clergy and lay, married, single, or partners in a committed relationship. Members of the Fellowship may live in their own homes or in groups as the ability for that arises. Each member must be self-supporting, and we are bound to each other by common ideals and a commitment to prayer and service. Our primary ministries focus on retreats and quiet days, pastoral care, intercessory prayer, and spiritual direction.
We offer special prayer services, retreats, labyrinth walks, and other opportunities for spiritual growth to St. M&M's members and the wider community. If you are 18 years of age or older and feel called to a deeper teaching ministry, spiritual direction, and pastoral care you may consider becoming a companion of the order or even a vowed member. The companions are men and women who desire to connect themselves with the sisters and brothers of Anamchara Fellowship but do not feel called to the vowed life of a Religious vow.