South Florida Haiti Project - Earthquake Update

An update on the needs of Haiti from the South Florida Haiti Project

August 20, 2021

In the Aftershock
The people of Bondeau are survivors... well acquainted with challenges. In the last week, they have survived two natural disasters-- an earthquake with its epicenter only 25-30 miles away and a Tropical Storm bringing torrential rain with 40 mph winds. While our beloved partners are surviving, they are also traumatized and facing many, many unknowns.
And still, in the midst of this chaos, they do know God is with them... they do know our 17+ years of partnership is strong and that we stand with them... they do know many of you are praying (they feel it) and know many of you want to help and they do know we SFHP partners will continue to journey with them even through these huge challenges that we cannot do alone.
Some miracles of this "aftershock" week...
  • the Bondeau community gathered in the undamaged Bon Samaritan church for praise and worship last Sunday, the day after...
  • almost immediately many of you began contacting us to find out needs and began donating... thank you to each and every person who is praying, donating, and responding with genuine care and God-given love
  • we have been able to communicate through WhatsApp every day... an amazing miracle helping us to encourage and learn of the specific needs
  • the potable water piping project which had just begun 2 weeks ago continued on Monday... what an amazing example of perseverance!
  • an engineer evaluated the heavily damaged Guest House (and solar panels) and will present a report for rebuilding soon
  • the Chicken Coop is undamaged and still offers the possibility of economic sustainability
  • Pere Phanord and the community leaders are preparing to distribute rice and beans to the many hungry families on Sunday. As Pere said, "We have the rice and beans for the reopening of school in September but the situation asks me to give to the people in need now."
  • the school is repairable and the goal is to accomplish repairs to begin school on time in September
With the miracles also has come the realities... there is much to do amid new challenges added to the already heavy challenges of the last two years. Will you please pray with us?
  • Healthcare is almost non-existent... the need is urgent for medications and supplies. There are many sick. There are many injured in Martel, our sister community about 10 miles closer to the epicenter.
  • Temporary housing is needed for Pere Phanord and the 15 other people that were living in the Guest House
  • Food is very scarce as supply lines are not open
  • No electricity now that the solar panels have been destroyed... replacement is needed.
  • Needs are much greater than current funding
SFHP is committed to journey with walk alongside... to be partners in building together a future bright with opportunities of education, healthcare, and fulfilling work to support their families.
If you wish to donate, just go to our donation page to donate through REALM and select the Haiti Relief Fund.

Tags: mission, outreach, haiti relief

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