A Holy Lent

This Lent you are invited to join in one of our many offerings to help deepen your faith.

by Father Lee Davis on February 18, 2022

The Lenten Season at St. MM&M

Lent is a time where we traditionally enter into a more reflective part of our Christian spiritual journey. We are called to reflect on the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and are called to additional prayer and study. This Lent you are invited to join in one of our many offerings to help deepen your faith.

March 2, Ash Wednesday

8 am, Noon, and 7:30 pm

Traditional service and imposition of ashes with a reflection offered by Deacon Lorna.

Every  Monday in Lent, Evening Prayer

7:00 pm

Lenten Evening Prayer via Zoom. Zoom information will be sent prior to each meeting.

Every Tuesday in Lent, Stations of the Cross

7:30 pm

Stations of the Cross, a service that reflects on the events of the crucifixion. This service will be both in-person and broadcast online.

Every Wednesday In Lent, Evening Prayer and Study

7:00 pm

The Anamchara Fellowship leads prayer and study.

Thursday's in Lent, Discovering God with Visa Dutton Scudder

7:00 pm

This class will be offered in-person and via zoom. Vida Scudder (1861-1954) was an American educator, writer, and activist in the social gospel movement. One of the first women admitted to graduate studies at Oxford, she became a professor of English literature at Wellesley College. She believed that the world could only be made more just if Christians unleashed the kingdom that was germinating in the Church's liturgy and creeds. Sifting through the Book of Common Prayer, Scudder reveals the luminous face of a God who forswears dominating hierarchy within a Trinitarian life, and she asks why the world can't look more like that God. Her feast day is celebrated on October 10th in the Episcopal Church.

You can buy the book on Amazon here.

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