A Day of Prayer and Fasting, Oct 17th

A worldwide day of Prayer and Fasting for the Holy Land.

October 16, 2023

A Day of Fasting and Prayer

The Diocese of SE Florida has commended the request of the Episcopal Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem to designate tomorrow, October 17th, 2023 as a day of fasting and prayer for and end to the violence in the Holy Land.

The Episcopal Church of St. Mary Magdalene & St. Martin, condemns all acts of terrorism, and as Christians, we pray that there is a de-escalation and that the root causes of violence and oppression may be confronted and challenged so that a new understanding of peace prevails. Please join us in a day of fasting and prayer for peace. We will offer a special litany for peace and Eucharist service at the end of the day, at 6:30pm on October 17th in our Sanctuary.

We commend to you the following statements and invite you to join in this day of prayer and fasting.

Statement from Churches for Middle East Peace

Office of Government Relations, The Episcopal Church

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