Be Rich

give, serve, love, all in Christ's name

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The Vine

Outreach, Parish Support

Jesus is the vine and we are its branches

God is the source of all we have. God breathed life into us. Through His Son, He forgives us, renews us in grace, and promises us eternal joy in His presence. Our talents and skills, the relationships that bring us joy and meaning, and our worldly possessions and the wisdom to use them rightly—all these come from His hands. They are given to us in trust, to use with care and gratitude.  We use them best when they help us and others to do God’s will, to bring hope and justice to a broken world. 

Jesus told a story about a man who had great wealth but failed to consider the future. He built “barns and bigger barns” to store what he could never use. And then, long before he ever expected, his life came to a sudden end. ‘God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’  So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12:20-21).

Planned giving is an invitation to become “rich toward God,” to “lay up treasure” not for yourself but for the ministry of the Church, which will continue in doing God’s will long after your life has ended.  It’s an invitation to wise stewardship of the gifts you have received, a call to express the gratitude you feel in recognizing that all you have is “from above.”  It creates a meaningful legacy that expresses your faith by giving back to the One who has given so much to you.

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