The Kingdom of God Has Come Near
The light of Christ shone through her. She was particularly adept at injecting the word of God into most conversations. She was a true prayer warrior. Once in a dark moment of my life, I shared my pain with her. She invited herself to my home and prayed powerfully with me. I was so touched, I felt compelled to start reading the Bible, and conversing with God. Soon I was back in Church with an insatiable appetite for the word of God. The spiritual light of my friend, now deceased, pierced through my darkness and empowered me to return to the faith in which I was raised. Who was that light in your life that led you closer to Christ?
This Sunday’s gospel (Matthew 4:12-23) begins with the arrest of Jesus’ forerunner, John the Baptist. John’s arrest must have been a pivotal moment in Jesus’ life. He discerned that He, like John, would be persecuted, so the time had come for Him to courageously pursue His earthly mission of shining God’s light.
Instead of beginning His ministry in Jerusalem, the center of Jewish faith, Jesus went to the northern region, “Galilee of the Gentiles” a place considered a land of darkness in Jesus’ days because of the number of non-Jews living there. In this “place of darkness” the light of His good news would shine brightly, symbolic of God’s desire to move us from the darkness of sin to His light of love. Jesus therefore began His ministry by proclaiming, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
Jesus’ call for repentance urged the Galileans, and us, to examine our lives through the periscope of our darkness due to sin, and the new possibilities of being set right by God’s light. Looking backwards, we admit that sin distorted our lives. We misplaced our passions onto the things of the world instead of God. We often failed to live the virtues of kindness, goodness and love. But God offers us forgiveness when we contritely confess our sins. Repentance involves a resolve to submit to God’s ways, turning from the world’s darkness and following the light of Christ. The kingdom has come near through the person of Jesus Christ who embodies the radiance of God’s very being. Where there is the light of love, peace, mercy, justice and goodness, there is God’s kingdom.
In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus’ proclamation of the kingdom is followed by the call of Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John. They followed Jesus, because the voice of God in Christ compelled them to submit to the deeper, more fulfilling life of “fishing for people”. Jesus, the divine One called disciples, imperfect humans, to join Him, to be one with Him, in the mission of bearing God’s light to the darkened world! And God’s kingdom reign of light continues to expand on earth, first through Christ’s call and the Holy Spirit working in the disciples and consequently the Church. Because of God’s mighty work through Christ, we see glimmers of a future when God’s kingdom will attain its fullness, and the entire “earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God”!
Whom have you led to Christ by your light?
Prayer: O Christ of perfect love, we thank you for coming to earth to shed the light of God into the darkness of the world. Thank you for your disciples and all believers who radiate your light. May we shine your light before others through your power and love. Amen.