Mother Diana Garcia
Associate Rector
Mobile: 954-419-7899
The Rev. Diana Garcia was born in Bogota, Colombia, and lived for ten years in Mexico City with her two daughters, Daniela and Maria Paula.
She studied Theology at Seminario de San Andrés, Mexico City, graduating in 2016.
Before her ordination, she finished a Bachelor's in Management and worked for more than 20 years in related activities.
She was ordained to the priesthood in February 2017 and was called to serve as Rector at San Jorge Parish, Diocese of Mexico, where she also served as a member of the Standing Committee, Officer for Women Pastoral, and member of the Administrative Council at Comunidad Teológica de Mexico.
She is driven toward outreach activities and has had a special interest in child protection. This led her to the position of National Coordinator at the Global Network of Religions for Children-Mexico and to being a certified coach for Channels of Hope for Child Protection and Learning to Live Together programs.
Aside from her responsibilities at StMM&M Mo. Diana volunteers as a Safe Church trainer, Latino Ministry Executive Committee member, and Cursillo Movement Secretariat member at The Episcopal Church in Southeast Florida,