As the season of Christmas concludes, the Church enters the season of Epiphany, a time that calls us to reflect on the manifestation of Christ to the world. Epiphany, which means "revelation" or "manifestation," centers around the story of the Magi in Matthew 2:1-12. These wise seekers from the East followed a star, searching for the One who had been born King of the Jews. What they found was not a worldly king in a palace but a child in humble surroundings, embodying God's love and grace for all creation.
The story of the Magi is rich in meaning. These travelers were not Jews, nor were they part of Israel's story. Yet they were drawn to the light of Christ, guided by a star that broke through the darkness of their world. Their journey reminds us that God's love knows no boundaries—cultural, national, or otherwise. The light of Christ is for everyone, calling all people to come and see, to worship, and to leave transformed.
In many ways, the season of Epiphany is an invitation for us to look for God's light in unexpected places. Where do we see Christ at work in our world today? Like the Magi, are we willing to follow where that light leads, even if it takes us into unfamiliar territory?
Epiphany also challenges us to consider how we reflect Christ's light to others. The Magi not only found Christ but returned to their homeland by another road, undoubtedly changed by their encounter. How might our own encounters with Christ inspire us to live differently? Are we willing to be light-bearers in a world that often feels overcome by darkness?
At The Episcopal Church of St. Mary Magdalene & St. Martin, our ministries strive to be a reflection of this light. Whether it’s through food distribution, supporting local shelters, Laundry Love, or our Care Portal Ministry, we seek to embody the inclusive, transformative love of Christ revealed at Epiphany.
As we journey through this season, let us remember that Christ’s light shines not only for us but through us. Just as the star guided the Magi, we are called to guide others toward the love and hope found in Christ. May we, like the Magi, offer our gifts—our time, talents, and treasures—in service to God and one another.
This Epiphany, let us pray for eyes to see the light of Christ, hearts open to receive it, and hands ready to share it with the world. May we boldly proclaim, in word and deed, the Good News that Christ has come for all people.
"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." (Isaiah 60:1)