Child Graphic

Tuition and Enrollment

Our mission is to keep the cost of our preschool as low as possible. Our prices tend to be below the local average for quality programs. Scholarships are available and families who are active members of the church are eligible for discounts.

  • Pre-K Three Class

    Class from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    • 2 days (Tuesday/Thursday) $340 per month
    • 3 days (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) $395 per month
    • 4 days (Monday - Thursday) $430 per month
    • 5 days (Monday - Friday) $475 per month

    Extended Day Options Are Available.

  • VPK

    Class from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    • VPK free of charge

    Extended Day Options are available

  • Extended Day Options

    Pre-K Three Extended Day Options

    • 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm; Add $100
    • 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm; Add $265
    • Early Drop Off (8:15 am); Add $50

    VPK Extended Day Options

    • VPK 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm; Add $350
    • VPK 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm; Add $265
    • Early Drop Off (8:30 am); Add $50
  • Enrollment

    If you are interested in a scholarship or discount for active members, please contact us. To qualify as active members, families must have been members for a minimum of 6 months and be members in good standing with regular attendance and support of The Episcopal Church of St. Mary Magdalene and St. Martin.

    For the PreK3 class:

    Registration for the fall semester begins on February 1st. Please download and complete the registration packet and either email them to us or drop them off at the office. A registration fee of $175 is due at the time of registration.

    For VPK: 

    In order to qualify for VPK (Florida’s Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program), your child must live in Florida and be 4 on or before September 1 of the school year they enroll.  Registration opens on January 1st for the fall semester.

    To register, simply visit Florida's Family Portal where you will create an account and complete the application process.

    Once you receive the VPK Child Certificate of Eligibility, download and complete the registration packet and email them to us or drop them off at the office.

    A $175 donation fee is required to hold your child's spot. 

    Make sure to check out our extended-day option!

    Download Forms
Prek3Class Enrollment Forms VPK Enrollment Form Email Forms

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