Rediscovering Grace Beyond our Expectations

Lee Davis • March 24, 2025

The Two Lost Sons

Title: The Two Lost Sons: Rediscovering Grace Beyond Our Expectations

When you first read the Parable of the Prodigal Son, who do you think the lost son is? Most of us immediately picture the younger son—the one who demands his inheritance, squanders it in a far-off land, and finally returns in desperation. But have you ever stopped to wonder if the elder son might be lost, too?

Originally told by Jesus to an audience of tax collectors, sinners, and self-righteous Pharisees, this parable was a radical invitation. The religious leaders were scandalized by Jesus welcoming outcasts and showing them grace. In response, Jesus shared three stories, ending with the lost son, to challenge their understanding of forgiveness and love.

At first glance, the younger son’s journey from rebellion to redemption is dramatic and touching. Yet, when we look closer, the elder son—who stayed at home and followed all the rules—reveals another kind of loss. His bitterness and refusal to join the celebration expose a heart closed off by pride and entitlement. Though he never left home, he lost his way spiritually by believing that his loyalty and hard work could buy him favor.

The parable leaves the elder son’s response unresolved. This open ending is a direct invitation for each of us to examine our own hearts. Are we, too, standing outside the feast—unwilling to celebrate grace that we feel we haven’t earned? Or do we embrace the free gift of love and join the communal celebration?

In our daily lives, we might identify with the younger son when we feel overwhelmed by our failures, or with the elder son when we resent others’ forgiveness or question our own worth. The beauty of this parable is that it reminds us that both kinds of loss call for a return—to humility, to openness, and ultimately, to God’s unconditional love.

Let this story challenge you today: Instead of measuring our worth by performance or self-sufficiency, can we learn to see grace as a gift available to all? The invitation remains open for anyone willing to step inside the feast of love and community.

Join the conversation—who do you see as the lost son, and how can we better embrace the grace that calls us all home?

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