May Each of You Receive the Gift of Love
“Love came down at Christmas. That’s what love is. To give, and not to count the cost. To give, not for what one can get, but for what the other can receive. That is what love is. God so loved the world that he gave,” said Presiding Bishop Michael Curry in his 2018 Christmas Message.
Indeed Love came down to us on Christmas day – they named him Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel – God with us! It is the child Jesus, born into human poverty that has come to us to proclaim the Good News of the mercy and the love of God; to proclaim to us our salvation.
As we gather to celebrate the birth of Christ, another year has passed with many events, public and private, that have touched our lives in many ways. There is no doubt that this year has brought joy and sadness in different measures to each person in our community and around the world, coloring our memories of 2022.
One thing I believe we can all say is that the last year has seen a diminishing in the Way of Love that Christ taught throughout the world. The world often seems so polarized that people have forgotten how to love those different from them.
Maybe this is the challenge for us this Christmas; A challenge to get more involved in the act of loving. Loving as God loves us…giving more of ourselves to help make our own communities a better place. Maybe we are called to let our souls magnify the glory of the Lord, as Mary’s did.
May each of you receive the gift of love that came down at the first Christmas so long ago into your hearts, enabling you to magnify that love in your own souls, so that the Glory of God may shine bright in the year ahead.
A Blessed Christmas to you all!
Fr. Lee+