The Living Bread of Heaven

by Deacon Lorna Goodison on August 05, 2021

“I know there is a God!”  Have you ever heard someone make this remark casually? We may know superficially that there is “a God” but it is the deep intimate relationship that gives purpose and meaning.  As a young college student, I knew there was “a God” but I mistakenly thought I did not need God to find meaning and purpose in life. A few years after graduation, faced with troubling life challenges, I found myself feeling purposeless. Thanks to the kind pastoral care of a priest, I came to understand that my real yearning was for the unending spiritual sustenance which only God in Christ offers. God placed in all our hearts a deep hunger for meaning and fulfillment which only He satisfies.  Yet we constantly pursue satisfaction through worldly achievements, power, and friendships. But the satisfaction they offer is fleeting.

In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus declared the great mystery of His identity and purpose, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven.” Jesus asserts that He descended from God to offer to humanity God’s gift of sustenance which endures for time and eternity.  To receive the gift of sustenance we allow ourselves to heed Christ’s call, having been “drawn by the Father.” To eat the bread of heaven is to grow in faith in Christ; to believe in Him and His sacrificial love.  He gave himself as living bread to sustain us and satisfy our deepest hunger, leading us to peace and joy in communion with Jesus’ own self. Ultimately, just as Jesus descended and then ascended, He will raise us up to be with God eternally. What great assurance! What great reason for hope and joy!  Jesus ushers in a new intimate relationship that is uplifting and unending.  

 Are you feeling hopeless, or lacking a sense of meaning or direction? Christ welcomes you. You are called to grow from knowing “there is a God” into a deep intimate relationship with God in Christ.  You are invited to join the body of hungry folks who feast on the sustenance Christ gives in the Holy Scriptures. You can experience His sacred presence and the transcendent joy of being one in Christ when along with other seekers, you partake of His body and blood at the Communion table for we share the One Bread, Jesus Christ.   Amen.

Tags: god, purpose, living bread

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