Ascension of Our Lord

by Deacon Lorna Goodison on May 26, 2022

Faced with heart-breaking pain and fear at the ever-increasing incidents of mass shootings, the last one being another deadly school shooting, we cry out, “why God?”  The disciples experienced our overwhelming pain watching Jesus being cruelly beaten, derided, and nailed on a cross to die.  But pain and fear gave way to joy when our resurrected Lord appeared to them. Then Jesus left once more. Did Jesus’ ascension, spark new sorrowful questions like, “why did Jesus have to leave again?” No! Jesus’ ascension filled the disciples with joy! Why?  Prior to His ascension, Jesus “opened their minds to understand the scriptures.” (Luke 24:44-53). They were enabled to see Jesus’ life from God’s deeper perspective. Then came the final loving act: as He withdrew from them, Jesus raised His hands and blessed them. Divine blessings give hope and new meaning to life!

This past Thursday was Ascension Day. Jesus’ physical presence on earth ended. He took his rightful place in glory with the Father. But He did not abandon His disciples or us.  Jesus promised them that they would be “clothed with power from on high” after His departure. This was the power of the Godhead manifested in an interior relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ ascension ushered in a new, intimate way of being with God in Christ. His powerful spiritual Presence would transcend the physicality of Being. This Presence transformed the disciples into apostles sent to proclaim the liberating news of repentance and forgiveness of sins.  The disciples trusted Jesus and were filled with joy upon witnessing the wonder and glory of the Divine One, their teacher and friend, ascend to heaven!

 Sunday’s Gospel (John 17:20-26) recalls Jesus’ high priestly prayer before His death, resurrection, and ascension. Jesus pleaded with the Father that the disciples may be unified in Him. Jesus again alludes to a deep spiritual union, in which there is harmony of thought, outlook, and purpose. This union was necessary for the disciples to go out into the world with zeal as apostles. Jesus was calling the disciples into a union in which they would become more than friends, but a part of His very Being on earth; their lives “hidden in Him”. And the disciples fulfilled that calling by devoting their lives to being Christ’s hands, heart, and feet in the world.

Jesus also prayed for you and me before His death. How awesome! Jesus prayed for all who believe in Him through the word handed down by the apostles (V.20). He prayed that we too may be drawn into union with Him and the Father, as well as the apostles, for we are called to continue Christ’s saving work, proclaiming in word and deed the Good News of Jesus’ offer of release from the consequences of sin, through His saving work on the cross. What dignity is ours! Simple, ordinary people that we are, Jesus, Sovereign, and Almighty, entrust us with God’s life-transforming work and clothes us with the blessing of “power from on high” to accomplish it!

God’s infinite love and wisdom are indeed too marvelous for words! Too wonderful for comprehension! So, even in this time of pain, we have hope. Our hope is rooted in God’s mighty power over life and death and God’s loving presence in our lives. Our Ascended Lord will lead us to joy! Thanks be to God!   

Tags: heaven, joy, forgiveness, holy spirit, repentance, presence, ascend, spiritual union, divine one

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